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Cosmetic Industry in Dilemma Amidst the Pandemic!

From virtual demos to mask-perky mode, the pandemic shows some rapid shifts like how people purchase, wear, and experience makeup. What does this mean for the entire industry of cosmetics?

This disease hit every major industry and cause tectonic transformations in them_ including the worldwide beauty industry which was not only growing steadily but also binding lots of loyal consumers. Skincare, Haircare, Nailcare, Color cosmetics, Perfumes, and finally Self-care collectively generate $500 billion in sales per year and accounts for gazillions of jobs, whoa!

Ever pondered upon the pre-pandemic Beauty Industry?

Well, here you go, straight from the horse mouth_ the definition of beauty before this outbreak was tilted toward expensiveness, global, and glamor knotted with individuals. Brands and consumers had a core belief in physical appearances and fancy cosmetics.

Inexpensive private label beauty brands were not on the rise. Self-care, though popular, but was not keeping pace with color cosmetics. Sales of such glittering goods were creating hype. Grooming gadgets were not finding their way into people’s daily routines. As if the whole world was running after the temporary splendor.


Figuring out what happened next? Or what are those ruthless spin-off moments gulped by this Industry? Let’s peak in!

Physical distancing (not social protocols), mandatory mask-wearing ordinances, and sustained lockdown had bleak outcomes. This affected the operations of salons, parlors, and prestige brands globally. Some of the parlors will never open and new beginnings delayed. Vanishing the touch culture, which was the very basis of spas or salons.

As touch is a no-no nowadays!

Sales of glowy make-up dipped down to 37%. Reason? Consumers of such flashy products were spending more on self-care, seriously! Therefore, hygiene-related and pampering-stuffs like hand cleansers, sanitizers, candles, aromatherapy, and detox products are rocketing up to 300-800%.

Facing the traumatic realities of working-from-home, 6-feet distancing, and mask-wearing, causing it is less significant to wear such products on top of it.

Possibly above the mask option is applicable for gen Z, but please don’t be caky as lighter make-up is the new normal!

Lipstick sales have tanked, and you know what? It makes sense, as lipstick isn’t practical anymore. No one is seeing through your mask and you don’t have the audacity to make a mess inside.

With the industry poised on the cusp of a boom, consumers are diverging their purchasing power to private label brands that are cheaper and available for sale. Authenticity and transparency become the new buzzwords for beauty businesses. Vulnerable supply chains of companies were hiding their weaknesses behind the international supply network.

But not anymore, as this pandemic caught them red-handedly!

So, does this industry do some kung-fu to defend itself or does the Covid prove to be the Hannibal, what say?

I guess this industry is like a Scorpio, who always riddle out how to cheat death, legit! Their stockholders are adapting novel techniques for branding, proving that it is inherently tactile.

Want to know? If yes, then why are you staring, delve into this?

Brands are switching their manufacturing towards hand sanitizers and cleansers for the survival of their enterprise. With digital on bang companies grab the attention of consumers by catchy product descriptions, improvising the imagery of online stuff, naming products as ‘missing you,’ retraining their associates to assist and sell goods to its consumers via online chat, growing its digital consultants a.k.a. virtual replenishment advisors, selling at-home manicure kits, and providing tutorials via Instagram Live. The pace of innovation is not halted here, as in stores Augmented Reality Mirror is placed for testing and customization of make-up.

Even cloth face masks got a tag of beauty product and here companies got another opportunity.

Great adaptations, right?

Have a look at the US Cosmetic Industry? People are drooling over stuff that mimics the salon’s experience at home. Therefore, I enlisted some of the U.S brands, drum-roll plz!

Slip offers silk masks that cost up to $50. People adore this sleek material as it prevents them from maskne.

Bath and Body Works’ lovely hand sanitizers and cleansers sale hyped.

Gadgets (having a real moment, though) got a chance to play into this impulse of wanting swift enhancement. As a result, sales of the facial steamer by Dr. Dennis Gross jumped 45%.

R & Co’s 50% increase in sales of its Sunset Blvd Blonde Shampoo and Conditioner.

And as skincare is a new go-to therefore Herbivore Botanicals, the indie brand known for serums, got their sales spiked to 139%.


Credo, skincare tools doubled their percentage of sales from the year prior since the pandemic touch. Coola’s blue-light-blocking product is a neo-trend.

As we’ve seen clearly, people are just shifting their bucks around. It’s the year of minimal so de-clutter and invests in some rejuvenating products.

This calamity will pass. Maybe in a few months or a year or maybe longer!

But for sure this virus leaves behind a legacy. REMEMBER!

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